Engineering Services

Slab, drainage and beam designs are some of the common items required to be engineered and certified prior to obtaining a building permit.

We can provide you with structural and civil engineering services through our current suppliers, or if you are a company, we can order on your behalf through your existing providers.


Slab and footing designs

Most modern house designs are constructed on a concrete slab and the most common slab used in construction today appears to be the waffle slab. The slab is required to be designed accordingly to accommodate roof and wall loads from above in conjunction with soil conditions and classifications from underneath.

Depending on the soil type classification and often tree locations, footing depths and designs can vary significantly.

Drainage designs

These designs are to ensure stormwater from structures and the land exit your property in the prescribed manner according to council bylaws as well as building regulations.

Stormwater is required to be dispersed in an efficient and timely manner and should not impact council assets and infrastructure nor should it adversely affect other properties downstream.

Council may nominate a discharge rate in litres per second for which the engineer is required to design an appropriate system to meet that requirement. This can include the installation detention tanks on-site for the purpose of retarding the flow of stormwater into council drains. This is particularly the case for dual occupancy projects and multi-unit sites.

Beams and Lintels

A beam is required when spanning a large distance such as over a proposed window or door location. They can be manufactured from steel or timber and are commonly required to be designed by an engineer to specifications that can support upper level floors and/or roof loads.

Retaining walls

These walls are designed to retain soil and earth when the topography of the land requires it.

They can be required when the slope of the land is significant such that it may be necessary to cut or fill an area of the site to achieve a flattened pad for your structure or yard. The need for a retaining wall will also be dependent on the height of fill or depth of cut.

An engineer's design is important in this case so that the wall is strong enough to retain the extreme loads that can occur behind it. Particularly if the retaining wall is tall.

Let us deal with your application

Imagine ordering your Engineering online the same way on every job. Yes, it's that simple.

You apply the same way through our online portal and we'll look after the rest.

We continue to expand in what we can provide but ultimately we strive to make your project's path to site quick and easy.